Welcome to the Mystery Sock KAL!
Don't we all love to find free patterns on the Internet? How many of those do you pass over because they don't have a picture of the finished product? Me? I skip them all. Yup, I won't even give a second glance to something without a photo. Call it snobbery. Call it indecisiveness. Heck, it's downright fear of the unknown.
BUT . . . while on said topic tonight at knitting guild, I remembered stumbling across the Magical Mystery Sock Tour on the Socknitters site in which each person found a sock pattern online that didn't have a picture and knitted a pair to see how they came out. I don't know how long ago they did this (seemed like at least a few years), but it was decided (heh) that the idea needed to be revisited. I mean, I should be able to deal with two socks worth of the unknown, right? It's not like it's a whole sweater.
Thank you, dear Katrina, for making me do this. I think it will be really fun! Of course, we may also be in for a lot of fug. . . .
BUT . . . while on said topic tonight at knitting guild, I remembered stumbling across the Magical Mystery Sock Tour on the Socknitters site in which each person found a sock pattern online that didn't have a picture and knitted a pair to see how they came out. I don't know how long ago they did this (seemed like at least a few years), but it was decided (heh) that the idea needed to be revisited. I mean, I should be able to deal with two socks worth of the unknown, right? It's not like it's a whole sweater.
- Mystery Sock KAL signups will be open through August 14th.
- You must choose a sock pattern that does not have a picture of the finished sock and knit a pair. Unless otherwise specified in your pattern, colors and stuff are up to you--'cause your guess is as good as mine!
- Socks should be finished by November 26th. I know there are a lot of summer KAL's going strong out there, so I want to make sure everyone has enough knittin' time. That's through Thanksgiving weekend for us Americans.
- Those who finish by the deadline will be entered into a drawing for yarny goodness. Possibly another prize or two along the way--to be decided.
- Still with me? Cool. If you're ready to take the leap, leave me a comment or send an email to amandawoodruff AT gmail DOT com. Please be sure to include your email address and blog address (if you've got one) so I can send you a Blogger invitation which lets you post your progress here. I can't wait to get started!
--Amanda from bulldogknits
Thank you, dear Katrina, for making me do this. I think it will be really fun! Of course, we may also be in for a lot of fug. . . .