I am now working to finish at least the first of my daughter's Forgotten Knee Socks, as it is resting on my #2 circulars, and I need them for my next pair. Maybe if she sees one lonely little sock laying there, she'll be racked with guilt and ask that I make the other one, too.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I am now working to finish at least the first of my daughter's Forgotten Knee Socks, as it is resting on my #2 circulars, and I need them for my next pair. Maybe if she sees one lonely little sock laying there, she'll be racked with guilt and ask that I make the other one, too.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I'm doing the Koigu Ruffles pattern and I'll post pictures (as a link) when I get further along.
Monday, August 28, 2006
This smocked pattern is way cool! Come and take a looky!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
anyway if you go to my blog (here) you can see the finished mini cabled sock(s).
pattern changed due to last post- when i forgot to turn the heel.
I'm not too fond of this pattern so may change my mind (again!) and start a 3rd mystery sock.
It's been a blast participating, and I absolutely love the idea. I may have to start looking for more pictureless patterns!
Wouldn't you know it, my favorite combination of colors is on the bottom of the sock! Well, there's a second one to come --- maybe those colors will appear topside!
Friday, August 25, 2006
A couple of things. So far I am loving the Knit Picks Gloss yarn. It is very soft and stretchy enough but not too stretchy(if that makes sense). I won't know for sure until I have knitted with it more, but so far I really like it for a sock yarn. It is much nicer than some of the wool/nylon blends I've used. Did I mention it's really soft?
Also, if anyone else is doing this pattern, there seems to be an error when you get to the decreases. The directions say to decrease every 4th row and then in the example it gives, it has decreases on almost every row. Given that it is the knee decreases that this is for, I assume that I should follow the directions and not the example. I guess I'll find out when I actually get to that point!
Ok, back to casting on...again...
These are Ruth Gerstner's Smocked socks. (Although she calls them the "sock pattern, sort of") I have decided that since she recommends choosing your favorite foot, heel, and toe method, that I would choose toe up. The recipient of these lovelies want them as long as possible, so toe up is the way to go! I am using Addi size 2 needles, and Gedifra Fashion Trend Sportivo, color 5769. It is a varigated yarn that has two khaki strands twisted with a varigated strand that goes from blue to green to grey, to maroon - very slowly. It's like a "fade in and out" - as my husband said.
I 'll post some pictures when I get to the good stuff, and past the miles of dull for my size 10 friend.
Addios Mystery Gang!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I have a question for the Mystery Sock gals. If I design a sock pattern would it qualify for the Mystery Sock Kal? I have a sock pattern in mind but I really don't know how it will look until I knit it. Thus, it would be a mystery to all of us. Do tell me what you think.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Abigail 1870 pearl
I won't post the pic here - keepin' the mystery ya' know.
I'm off to sleuth out another mysterious pattern!
Ever try to wrangle a teenager over to a computer screen to look at and pick out yarn? Pull some teeth instead. Finally get some yarns chosen. She wants to know about the pattern, which I explain has to be a mystery. Kind of intriguing to her, but mostly she just wants to get back to her anime.
So I wait for the yarn, I find a mystery pattern, and cast on. Daughter, realizing what is going on, announces that she is displeased with how things are going.
Told you 14 played a part.
I have a one-third-finished-sock that no one is going to wear, apparently. This quashes any sock-knitting-desire momentarily, you know? But I'll pull it back together. And pick another mystery pattern, and choose some yarn that is pretty, and make myself a sock.
(Hey, 46 can set a jaw, too!)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It is Knit Picks Gloss in color Dusk. It is a really pretty dark blue and I think it will work out nicely for the Elizabethan stockings (I hope anyway!). I am hoping to start them this week, although I am knitting a sweater for my LYS in a knit for yarn trade off, so that is my top priority right now. As long as I get the back done tomorrow, I can reward myself with a little knitting for myself and start these socks!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Well I have completed my first mystery sock- (using the leaves of grass pattern) but there is a great big whoops! Check it out HERE. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem without frogging the whole sock will be greatly appreciated.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Hello everyone! I had originally planned to make the Leaf Lace (or is it Lace Leaf?) socks or else Viv's Lacy Socks till I saw that these already seemed to be popular choices and I didn't want it to be thought I was just a follow-the-leader, LOL! So I went with my third choice and that is the Garter Lattice. I will probably knit them toe-up, though, and am using handspun wool yarn.
I wanted to say that I agree with Stariel's request that we have a link to photo's of socks so that we can chose whether or not to look at the pattern as it is worked, rather than posting the photos here. That will help keep it a mystery! That said, I am also enjoying seeing all of the lovely socks everyone is knitting. (Speaking of Stariel, check out the neat sock she knit for me in a different Sock-along! You can see it at here at my Serenity Farms blog)
Maybe we could have a set date that after it comes we can begin to post here to this blog?
Thank you for having me at your knit along,
Cary at Serenity Farms
TIA <><
www.NeedleWerks.blogspot.com (picture of start of first attempt on my blog.)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm enjoying everyone else's posts and hope to have some serious progress to show after the weekend.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
into the Socka Sock socks! Eventually... Thank you msubulldog for the generous time frame!
A photo and short synopsis are in my blog here.
Also, I think there's an error in the pattern. Has anyone else noticed that the P3 on row 8 of the lace pattern should probably be changed to P2? I ended up with an extra stitch on the lace panel the first time around so I changed it to P2 for the following sets. I'm 12 repeats into my first sock and the pattern seems to be fine with that small change. I'd be curious to know if the rest of you are doing the same thing or if you had success with the P3.

I know what you're thinking. It's not exactly . . . leave-ish. But I've really been wanting to try the yarn, so we'll see how it goes.
I know not everyone has a blog, so if you're totally dying to post your socks, that's what this is for, and I don't really feel like I should keep you from doing so. But if you can help to suspend the mystery for the others for a little while longer, I'm sure it'd be appreciated! *grin*
And I am just starting my socks tonight, so I'm totally in awe of all you speedy needles out there! You rock!!:)
Now, as for me, I'm going to start my mystery socks pretty soon. My friend borrowed my ball winder, so I'm going to wait til I get it back from her, then wind my yarn and begin. I've decided to do the Koigu Ruffles pattern.

Mystery sock #1 complete and....
I hate it. The pattern looks like the eighties to me. I don't know if it's the geometric feel of it, or the poofiness, or what. But I don't get it. It has no cohesiveness to me. And I made the foot too small. And the ribbed shaping on the sole comes to late to be arch shaping. I don't know... I'm so disappointed, I don't think I'll make the second one. Maybe I'll search around for another pattern. Or maybe I'll just do the Aran braid. Not much of a mystery anymore, but I love how everyone's have turned out.

Pattern: Obstacle sock (pattern off the knitlist)
Yarn: Sundara sport merino, in "Denim" (love the yarn, btw)
Needles: inox dpns, US 1/2

Messy desk and dirty carpet. How nice.
I really am enjoying this pattern - it is a really quick knit. It is another Viv's Lacey Socks, in Brown Sheep Wildefoot. I am knitting it with no modifications, so what you see is what you get!
BTW - I love everybodies finished products! Y'all are awsome!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Yesterday, I got the bug and started on my mystery socks - they went really fast with Merino 2000 from Lana Grossa. It's not really a sock yarn, but since those were the last two balls from a frogged huge cardigan (the others ended up a lovely baby blanket, LOL) and I mean to wear them around the house for toasty toes only, it's fine.
The pattern is the shell sock pattern from knitaddicted.com
It was an interesting experiment, and I'll certainly try this again in the future. But first, once the yarn finally arrives, another pair of Baudelaire's for my mother and then Eunny's Chuck's Cabled Socks
Well, I'll keep checking in to see how everyone else's have turned out and maybe I'll add another mystery sock to the list if I come across an intriguing pattern.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've finished my Mystery Socks. I posted a picture of one earlier (I got excited to have one done), but now they are both done. These are great socks and I can see myself making another pair. I would recommend them to any other sock lovers out there. I sometimes get bored doing the foot because it is the same thing over and over again. This sock keeps it interesting by continuing the cable down the foot until you start the toe. A lot of fun to make, and a good looking sock too.
Thanks for doing this KAL. I found a great new sock, and am hoping to find more as people post their finished socks.
Sheri, Just in the Knit of Time
I have a few choices and they are as follows:
a) Knit List cabled sock pattern
b) Mini Cabled Socks
c) Mock Cable Socks
d) Leaves of Grass
I have enough yarn to do any of these patterns. So, once I make up my mind, I will let you know.
Okay, that's it, everyone. We're finished with new signups, so please check the sidebar to make sure your name and link (if you have a blog) are there and correct. Please let me know if there are any changes I need to make.
Let the fun begin!
amandawoodruff AT gmail DOT com
Monday, August 14, 2006

The pattern is relatively simple, although the first read-through was a little confusing. I changed the heel to make it a reinforced heel, but I did keep the toe. It's quite possibly the longest toe I've ever knit - I think I prefer a shorter one. All in all, a cute little pattern, but probably not memorable enough to make a second pair from.
I was thinking of this pattern: Sara's Treasure Forest Socks (pdf)
I've had it printed for awhile, but I never did it because it only has a sketch, not a real photo of what they look like.
Anyone have any input on whether they think this would count?
Mock Cable Socks
Lacy Sock Pattern
I'd love to see what these look like, and I'm thinking of trying the Lacy Socks. Sounds like they have a Picot top even though they don't call it that and I've never done one so it might be an added challenge. I think I need to stop looking at patterns now!

Yea! I've been out of town for a while, but I finished my first sock. I chose the Aran Braid pattern, and I just finished the first one. I really like this pattern. I love the heel; it is a bit different from any heel that I've done before and I really like the way it looks, I will be doing this heel again. I also like the way the braid from the ankle carries through on the foot, although it is smaller. all in all a good sock and it will be a pleasure to do the other one as well.

Hi I am Penny from Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. I just joined last night. I have found five patterns without photos and finally made my choice. I will also be doing Leaves of Grass. I went into my stash and found the yarn I will use. It is yarn from a shop called Camille's that has recently closed. It is a yarn from a farm in Manitoba. I have taken a photo but the color may not look as green as it is. On my camera and in the computer it has come out way more blue. I don't know how to take the photo to have it look more like the color it is. I also don't know how to edit it on the computer either. Sorry about that. I am really looking forward to this. I too tend to shy away from patterns without photos so this should be fun especially since I won't be doing this alone.
We have just passed the ONE HUNDRED KNITTERS mark in our little knitalong! How exciting is that?!? Wahoo! :)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I found this to be such a cool idea for a KAL that I've been spending WAY too much time looking at patterns without pictures! I want to pick something that hasn't been "claimed" yet to add to more diversity. So many patterns I've clicked on had broken links and then I remembered the Wayback Machine, with this search you can put in a link and it pulls up an archived copy of the site. So, I'm wondering is this ok for the KAL? These patterns once had pictures but no longer do because they are no longer hosted. We could bring some of them back from the dead so to speak
My name is Stephanie and I'm from Oregon. I've never done a mystery KAL before so I'm am really looking forward to this. I decided to do the Leaves of Grass Anklet and use sock yarn from my ever growing stash.
Looking forward to seeing others mystery socks.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
as my project, and I'm using this:

Lisa in Mississippi
My name is Jennie, and I live in the coalfield region of Virginia (waaaaay down by Kentucky). I dug around a little and found a bunch of patterns I like idea of, but because I'm crazy, I chose the "obstacle sock" from the knitlist. It seems like I'm tempting fate with a name like that, but...
I'm still thinking about yarn. I've got a bunch of stuff in my stash I need to use up. But first, I need to get my current pair of socks off-the-needle. Then I'll dig in.
Happy Knitting!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I'm Bettina and I live in Jimena in Spain. After lots of deliberation, I have decided on the Shell Sock from Knitaddicted.com. I've ordered the yarn, but it is on backorder, so I probably won't get to start until next month. It's Lana Grossa Boot Sock yarn, and I've ordered four different colours, since I do need to knit quite a few socks before Christmas.
Congratulations to all of you who have already started. So far, this experiment seems to work out great and the socks all look fantastic.
Talk to you soon once I have some actual news on the sock front.
I haven't gotten my yarn yet but plan on ordering it next week after my mom's wedding (which is this Saturday!) I'm leaning strongly toward using KnitPicks' Essential Tweed in Inca Gold. However a trip to my LYS could change that plan :)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My name is Amanda. I'm presently on vacation and I envision knitting a ton of socks. I think I'm the third one to post now who plans on making the Leaves of Grass socks.
I'm using a colorway named Green Gables that I ordered from Spunky Eclectic.
I plan on starting as soon as my yarn arrives which should be any day now.

They are: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Sherbet; Cascade Fixation Effects 9349; Cascade Fixation Spraydyed 9939 and Fleece Artist Merino in Cornflower. When they arrive I will decide which one to use. I can't wait!!
Sounds like this will be a challenge and fun for all! :)
That is, after I finish up my Prairie Tunic, Bubby, and a layette set for a friend's soon to be born baby boy.
I am finding it very interesting as to what everyone is knitting, please post progress photos!
Monday, August 07, 2006
I'll hopefully be using one of these yarns (first pic is Step and second is from Spirit Trail Fiberworks). Since I can't decide, I'll do a gauge swatch on each. Which ever one matches gauge is the one I'll use.

I won't be starting for at least a week or so. I've got a couple of socks on the needles already and I want to get them done first.
I won't be able to start until the 13th when I come home from my parents.
I don't know about you but I had the hardest time deciding on a pattern. I ordered extra yarn so I might try the Ocean socks as well.

Monica here. I started my sock too. I usually skip right over sock patterns without pictures, so I thought this would be interesting and fun. I didn't even look at the patterns before choosing. I just clicked on the link, closed my eyes and pointed to one on the screen. It might as well be a true mystery. Anyway, the sock I am knitting is Judy Passman's Lacy Sock I am knitting it in Mountain Colors Bearfoot. It is a super simple lace pattern. The pattern calls for LP Superwash, but I didn't want a worsted wt sock, so I am using the bearfoot and just adjusted the # of stitches cast on.
Happy knitting all.

Hello everybody!
I can't resist a KAL, let alone a SOCK KAL! I'm planning to knit Viv's Lacey Socks from knitlist. I've swatched on size 1 needles, using Wildefoot yarn in a lovely varigated shades of red colorway. I finished early on a couple of projects, so I might have these next on the needles.
Ok. It's no the best picture, but it's something! The sun was REALLY bright the day I took this picture. In real life the colors are a little less pink.
I look forward to seeing everybody's progress!
I'll be placing an asterisk (*) next to your name when you've completed your socks, but there's no rush--the KAL doesn't end until November. I know there's still a lot of summer knitting going on, myself included, so if you're not ready to start your socks don't worry.
With that said, I have chosen the Summer Garden Socks. It is a striped sock (sort of) using two colors of yarn and a garter stitch cuff with some texture thrown in for good measure. It's totally different construction than anything I've done before, so it will be exciting. Because of the colorwork, it may also turn out to be terribly ugly, but I'm hoping by using subdued colors (some earthy Koigu KPPPM), I'll come out of it with something really unique and beautiful. I hope. Eeeeeek! Here goes!
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hi! My name is Karen. I guess I'm the first to post my socks. I chose the Rustic Arrow Socks pattern. I'm pretty well pleased with how they turned out, but I do have a couple issues. The 3 pattern repeats (the pattern called for) were definitely not enough (they have a short leg area). If anyone else chooses this pattern, do at least 1 or 2 more repeats. And they are a little loose in the leg area also (yes I did get gauge) and my legs are by no means thin (I am a plus size woman). I used Knit Picks Merino Style in the Cornflower colorway instead of the suggested WoolEase. I'm thinking I may try more of these patterns (since I'm over my initial hesitation of knitting a pattern without a picture). Thanks for a great KAL, this was fun knitting outside the box!